Massage Therapy in South East Cornwall specialising in Upper Limb Dysfunction and Reflexology.

Oncology Massage: For far too many years, people who have cancer, or are in recent remission, have been told that they are unable receive massage therapy. The single biggest fear was that massage could spread cancer, but there has never been any evidence to support this. However, there is now increasing support from Oncologist’s and their teams to promote the benefits of massage to patients, and that is where I come in. 

Having completed specific training with The Amethyst Trust, I am now able to provide massage therapy to cancer patients within the space of my treatment room. 

The aim of Oncology Massage is to enhance your sense of well-being by providing a gentle, soothing and supportive touch. It uses a light pressure and slow, steady movements, working with the central nervous system to help the body relax. People can find that this massage can help improve sleep patterns and reduce symptoms of pain and discomfort. However, most importantly, treatment can make people feel less isolated and bring back a sense of normality.

At the start of your first appointment, I will ask you to complete an intake form and also discuss with you some general questions about your health, lifestyle, and medical history. Whilst I do not need permission from your GP to treat you, if I am concerned that massage could interfere with your treatment, I may need to contact your oncology team. Your massage treatment will always be tailored  around any medical care that you may be receiving.

I will work for anywhere between 30-60mins, depending at what stage you are in your treatment and how you are feeling on the day. However, should you ever feel too unwell to attend your appointment, I ask that you to listen to your body and get in touch so that we can rearrange.

Finally, having cancer can have a significant impact on many other aspects of your life, especially your finances. Therefore, in this time, my pricing will be lower than my standard charges:

Reflexology: This is a gentle treatment that is thought to help the body to heal itself. The philosophy behind reflexology is that the feet are a ‘mirror’ of the body and that there are certain zones and points, known as reflex points, which reflect structures and organs of the body. It is thought that when pressure is applied to these reflex points, it has a therapeutic and stimulating effect on the corresponding body part. There are several theories on how the treatment works, including unblocking the body’s energy channels, aiding the release of endorphins (chemicals which are produced by the body to reduce pain signals), and even the placebo effect (where an improvement of symptoms is observed, despite using a nonactive treatment). However, despite which theory a person chooses to believe in, reflexology can help to reduce stress and anxiety, elevate mood, and promote wellbeing.

Sports Injury: I do take on some clients with certain sports injuries, please make contact to discuss potential treatments further.

My role as a massage therapist is to support you in your recovery from injury or joint dysfunction. Massage can help to calm the nervous system and provide temporary relief from pain signals. However, what perhaps play the greatest part of this process is listening to you as a client. During our first session, there is extra time given for me to listen and us to talk, so I can make sure I know exactly what you hope to achieve in terms of your physical health. Furthermore, as a member of the Sports Therapy Association, I stay up to date with the latest information and evidence about massage and manual therapies. This means you will receive a thoughtful and bespoke treatment, which will help your individual needs.

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